LBGTQ+ Relocation Realities

Relocating across borders can feel like diving into the unknown, filled with as much excitement as nerves. For LGBTQ+ folks, there are additional layers of complexity that many people might not even realize.   LGBTQ+ International Relocation Strategist Jess Drucker has identified the following unique challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals during an international move.

Safety First

We all want to feel safe where we live, but for LGBTQ+ folks, safety extends beyond physical security. It's about knowing if the country you're moving to has your back legally and socially. Are hate crimes a thing? Are people generally accepting of LGBTQ+ folks? Is same-sex marriage recognised? 

For LGBTQ+ individuals, grasping the legal environment of their destination is vital for their safety and well being. 

Transgender Considerations

Transgender individuals face distinct challenges related to their identity, such as ensuring the recognition of chosen names and pronouns, accessing hormone therapy or other medical treatments, and finding healthcare providers who are knowledgeable and supportive. The availability of gender-affirming healthcare and legal protections against discrimination are vital considerations.

Community Support

Communities come in all shapes and sizes, but for LGBTQ+ folks, finding your people in a new place can be a game-changer. The inclusivity of the LGBTQ+ community in the destination country plays a significant role in creating a sense of belonging.  Isolated communities may offer limited resources and social connections, while vibrant and diverse communities can provide invaluable support and solidarity. Having a support network can make all the difference in the world.

Workplace Inclusivity

Coming out at work can be a daunting prospect, especially in professional environments. LGBTQ+ individuals may fear repercussions from colleagues or worry about the level of support provided by their employer. Ensuring workplace policies and culture are inclusive and supportive is essential for fostering a safe and welcoming environment.

Housing Discrimination

Finding a place to live is tough enough without worrying about discrimination based on who you love or how you identify. Renting or buying, LGBTQ+ folks can face hurdles when it comes to finding a safe and welcoming home.

Limited legal protections and societal biases can make finding suitable housing a challenge, with concerns ranging from rental discrimination to safety in residential neighbourhoods.

Educational Environment

Children of LGBTQ+ parents or LGBTQ+ youth themselves can face bullying and discrimination in schools. It's crucial for education providers  to have policies in place to  address and prevent bullying based on sexual orientation or gender identity.  Ensuring LGBTQ+ students feel safe and supported is crucial for their well-being and academic success. 

For LGBTQ+ individuals, international relocation comes with additional hurdles not faced  by others..  By recognizing and addressing the unique challenges, and with awareness and support from the community we can strive towards creating a more inclusive and supportive global community where everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, feels welcome.

Jess recently interviewed Mobile Relocation Principal, Bridget Romanes about her expat experience and NZ as a destination for aspiring relocatees.  To learn more, listen to Jess & Bridget’s podcast here or on Apple podcasts.


Jessica Drucker 🏳️🌈 is an LGBTQ+ International Relocation Strategist and founder of Rainbow Relocation Strategies. Her mission is to empower queer folks and their families to move, live and thrive abroad.

Bridget is a New Zealander who has lived and worked as a diplomat in Singapore and India. After experiencing all facets of the relocation experience, she founded Mobile to work with private individuals moving to NZ and leading local and international businesses bringing in offshore talent.


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