AEWV Re-accreditation: Are you prepared?

Since its inception in 2022, Immigration New Zealand's Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) programme has granted accreditation to over 20,000 employers and has approved over 30,000 AEWV visas for workers to come to New Zealand.

The initial employer accreditation was a fast-track process but, given the recent issues with migrant exploitation and the de-accreditation or suspension of nearly 200 employers, INZ will be taking a much tougher approach to employers seeking re-accreditation.

As a result, many of our employer clients are already starting to prepare for AEWV re-accreditation.

Here are some key points to consider if you are starting this process:

  1. Review the requirements: Familiarize yourself with the current AEWV program requirements and obligations. Given that immigration policies and guidelines may have changed  since your initial accreditation, it's essential to ensure that you still meet all necessary criteria.

  2. Gather documentation: Collect all the necessary documentation and evidence required for reaccreditation, such as financial statements and employment contracts. One of the unique AEWV requirements - that employers must provide comprehensive resettlement information to visa holders - is an easy one for employers to miss as it is outside core HR practice for many. Clients using our digital solution, Kiwi Launch Pad, for providing resettlement information receive monthly reports to ensure compliance with this requirement.

  3. Assess compliance: Conduct an internal assessment to ensure compliance with all program requirements. Confirm that you  meet minimum remuneration thresholds, provide suitable working conditions, and adhere to any other obligations outlined by Immigration New Zealand.

  4. Address any issues: If you identify any areas where your organization may fall short of AEWV requirements, take steps to address these before undergoing the re-accreditation process. This may involve implementing corrective measures, updating policies and procedures, or seeking guidance from a registered immigration advisor.

To learn how we can support you to meet your AEWV employer resettlement obligations, connect with Mobile’s Principal and Founder, Bridget Romanes.

If you also need the advice of a licensed immigration advisor for your re-accreditation we are happy to connect you with reputable providers.


Bridget is a New Zealander who has lived and worked as a diplomat in Singapore and India. After experiencing all facets of the relocation experience, she founded Mobile to work with private individuals moving to NZ and leading local and international businesses bringing in offshore talent.