The AEWV Settlement Solution

If you're a New Zealand-based employer of international talent, there are 3 important questions you’ll need to answer to continue successfully recruiting overseas in 2023.

  • Have you gained Employer Accreditation under the new Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) programme?

  • Do you understand the new mandatory settlement information requirements that all employers must fulfill?

  • Are you meeting the requirements in the most cost-efficient and effective way to keep your accreditation?

One key difference from previous visa schemes is the mandatory requirement to support the visa holder’s resettlement.

All employers must:

  • provide specific information about resettling in New Zealand

  • prove to Immigration NZ that the resettlement information is being provided. 

Mobile Relocation has worked with international recruiters and HR teams for nearly 7 years providing comprehensive resettlement information to International candidates.
We understand what INZ needs.  And what relocating and expats must know to settle here successfully.

What is required?

There are 9 key pieces of information that must be provided:

  • accommodation options

  • transport options, both private such as driver licencing information, and public transport options

  • cost of living estimates

  • how to access healthcare services

  • how to contact the Citizens Advice Bureau and what services they can provide

  • relevant community groups that may assist them with settling into New Zealand

  • how to obtain an IRD number

  • available options for industry training and qualifications

  • specific job and industry hazards

What happens if employers don’t meet these requirements?

Employers who fail to meet the settlement requirements may face penalties, such as fines or revocation of their accreditation.

Immigration NZ has stated that compliance may be reviewed at any time, and certainly at the time of annual re-accreditation. If audited, employers will be asked to provide evidence of the resettlement information that is being provided to visa-holders.

Aside from compliance, resettlement support also manages the risk that employees may struggle to settle in New Zealand. For example newcomers to NZ can find it difficult to secure a place to live in our competitive housing market. This can have a negative impact on their health and well-being, as well as their productivity at work.

How are you currently managing this process?

You may think you have a sufficient system in place, but are you confident that you are providing all the necessary information, and the information is up to date?  
We know that some organisations are sending out multiple pdf documents to cover off the details - a rather labour intensive solution.
Reporting on who has received this information is also a requirement so do you have measures you place to do this?

How can employers meet the Settlement Requirements efficiently and effectively?

Drawing on our 7 years experience in resettling expat and migrants in New Zealand, Mobile Relocation has developed an online tool that supplies the necessary comprehensive resettlement information to AEWV Visa-holders AND ensures that the employer’s reporting aspect of the requirements is being met.

The Mobile AEWV Resettlement Portal

With this Portal we:

  • Provide the resettlement documentation to complete your INZ accreditation application

  • Deliver all the INZ-required information to your AEWV holder in a professional portal

  • Supply you with INZ-required proof that your visa holder has accessed the information.

The goal is to ensure you meet the AEWV requirements without any additional work from your team.

Want to learn more?

Book in now for 15-minute no-obligation demo with our Portal guru, Ange at


Mobile Relocation has a range of settlement support services to suit your candidates and your business - from baseline support to meet Immigration New Zealand’s AEWV Accreditation requirements through to personalised programmes to support your most valued international employees.

Bridget Romanes is a New Zealander who has lived and worked as a diplomat in Singapore and India.  After experiencing all facets of the relocation experience, she founded Mobile to work with private individuals moving to NZ and leading local and international businesses bringing in offshore talent.