Investing sustainably for your values

Many investor migrants choose NZ based on personal feelings of alignment with our social, business and political environment.

In the latest Cambridge Chats webinar organised by Cambridge Partners, Mobile’s Founder & Principal Bridget Romanes had the opportunity to join Roger Robson-William, Chief Sustainability Officer, Plant and Food Research and Dominic Sheehan, Financial Adviser, Cambridge Partners to discuss the links between values-based migration and sustainable investment.  

Bridget also talks about why more people are moving to New Zealand, seeking the clean green dream, and what may happen when they get here.

Dr Robson-Williams discussed what sustainability actually is and some of the key opportunities and challenges we face. He also provided insights into initiatives that Plant and Food Research are doing and the decisions consumers can make to be more sustainable.

Dominic discussed what sustainable investing means and introduced some of the key terms and concepts, including options available to investors. He addressed some of the challenges that accompany sustainable investing and investigating the trade-off between targeting an environmental/social return and targeting the best financial return.

If you are a recruiter or HR Professional bringing international talent to NZ Mobile Relocation has a range of settlement support services to suit your candidates and your business - from baseline support to meet Immigration New Zealand’s AEWV Accreditation requirements through to personalised programmes to support your most valued international employees.

To book a demo of our AEWV Resettlement Portal, or to better understand how Mobile can help you to ensure you are offering the right resettlement services for your candidates and your business, contact our Principal Bridget Romanes.

Bridget is a New Zealander who has lived and worked as a diplomat in Singapore and India.  After experiencing all facets of the relocation experience, she founded Mobile to work with private individuals moving to NZ and leading local and international businesses bringing in offshore talent.